Posted on
September 19, 2023
Tamara Baltic
Do power lines effect property values?
Do power lines cause cancer?
Are power lines bad for your health?
Is it safe to live near power lines?
How much do power lines effect home values?
What is the resale value of a home near power lines?
These are all valid concerns to address when buying a home and the answers may surprise you!
Power lines emit electric and magnetic fields, commonly referred to as EMFs. EMF represents a type of non-ionizing radiation that emanates from various electrical sources, including power lines, household wiring, everyday appliances, Wi-Fi devices, computers, and more. EMF exposure is a part of our daily lives, regardless of our proximity to power lines. The farther you are from the EMF source, the lower your radiation exposure tends to be. While burying power lines underground may enhance the visual appeal of a property, it doesn't reduce EMF exposure when compared to overhead power lines with the same voltage and current.
Now that we have an understanding of what EMF entails, let's delve into the potential health risks associated with power lines near your residence.
Is there a connection between EMFs and health concerns? There is a definite association between high-level EMF exposure and the stimulation of nerves and muscles. However, these exposure levels would need to significantly exceed 100 microteslas (uT), far beyond what one would typically encounter in any residential setting. Such extreme exposure levels are not a cause for worry or concern in residential areas of British Columbia.
Does living near power lines cause cancer?
Both Health Canada and the World Health Organization concur that routine exposure to EMFs at low frequencies does not pose a health risk. It is true that EMFs are classified as a potential carcinogen, but they fall into the lowest category of this classification. Other items in this category include aloe vera and pickled vegetables.
Proximity to power lines does play a role in the resale value of a home
There are many factors that effect the value of your home, including but not limited to: location, age, size, number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms, views etc. Proximity to power lines is another. The stigma around perceived safety issues and decreased curb appeal are the two main reasons for the lower price tag. Homes near power lines will generally sell for a little less than comparable homes away from power lines. The good news is, if you want to buy a home near power lines you are likely to save some money compared to other similar homes in the neighbourhood. Just remember that when it comes time for you to sell, potential buyers are going to want the same deal and considerations you had when purchasing the home. If you are considering purchasing a home near power lines, it is best to speak with your Realtor® over any concerns you may have.